Commercial Laundry

Air to Air

Heat Exchanger

Years of research and development along with operational experience as previous owner of Forbes Laundry has led to this moment in Fairbanks construction history.

A new Commercial Laundry Facility, within the City of Fairbanks, is now open for business. Utilizing heat-recovery means and methods developed by North Pole’s own Ross Adkins. Producing real-world viability in significantly lowering operational costs associated with running a Commercial Laundry in the interior of Alaska.

This design / build is based around the “Wet” and “Dry” side mechanical systems. Incorporating many unique heat recovery features.

Mechanical Ventilation Design for this project along with “Dry Side” HVAC equipment selection & procurement by Cory Wilbur.

If interested in this project, or projects like these, feel free to contact us for further developments.

The financial obligations surounding make-up air can put people out of business. Just ask any of our local kitchens. They will attest to the costs of tempered make-up air associated with the operation of a commercial exhaust system in the interior of Alaska.

For current Fairbanks Temperature Degree Day Cost of Operation Calculations utilizing the different fuel burring appliances available for purchase today please contact us.


HRV Systems-Not Just for Minimum Ventilation